RFID Based Attendance System

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The smart card attendance system's function is based on a microcontroller. 

RFID-Based Attendance System Using NodeMCU with PHP Web App


RFID Based Attendance System


There are many methods to track the attendance of an individual. A few years ago, when Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) electronics were still in their adolescence stages, the time stamping technique was greatly followed. As software programming and technology progressed, especially in electronics, they gave way to a much more secure and reliable arrangement known as RFID Attendance System.

The RFID-based attendance system is developed using PHP, CSS, and Javascript working by WIFI. An RFID Based Attendance System Using NodeMCU is a modern attendance system. Hence, is a very interesting project. It can be useful in different places like schools, Colleges, industry, and private organizations to register the attendance of students, teachers, employees, etc. to tabulate monthly/daily working hours automatically. When the person with the correct RFID card swipes his/her RFID tag, His/Her arrival time will be stored in the system Log. Usually, when the same person swipes his/her RFID tag again, the system will save it as his/her leaving time. 

The RFID attendance system is developed with the IoT platform. We have used the NodeMCU ESP8266 development board with MF-RC522 Module to send the card UID to the PHP Web app and store data in the website database. Basically, the admin plays an important role in the management of this system.

The RFID-based attendance system is developed very easily setup on your server 


System Specifications and Features



What is RFID RC522 ??

RC522 is the highly integrated RFID card reader which works on non-contact 13.56mhz communication, is designed by NXP as low power consumption, low cost, and compact size read and write chip, and is the best choice in the development of smart meters and portable hand-held devices. RFID is the short form of Radio Frequency Identification. RFID modules use electromagnetic fields for transferring data between the card and the reader. Different RFID tags are attached to objects like keychains, cards, etc. and whenever we place that object in front of the RFID reader, the reader reads that tag. The next benefit of RFID is that it doesn’t require to be in a straight line to get detected. Unlike a barcode, in RFID there’s no such restriction. So, here are some features of RFID RC522.




Download Arduino ide library?

  1. RFID-RC522 Library

  2. NodeMcu ESP8266 Library and Board Manager

  3. ESP8266 LittleFS 2.6.0

  4. ESP Async TCP


Download to start?

  1. XAMPP server

  2. Code Arduino IDE Program code.

  3. Database file

  4. web PHP pages 

  5. 3d Print box 

NodeMCU esp8266 



NodeMCU with RFID

RFID Based Attendance System

NodeMCU ESP8266 / RC522

D2 <———-> SDA/SS

D5 <———-> SCK

D7 <———-> MOSI

D6 <———-> MISO

GND <———-> GND

D1 <———-> RST

3V/3V3 <———-> 3.3V


1- download ESP8266 LittleFS 2.6.0 and copy  esp8266littlefs.jar to C:\Users\(name)\Documents\Arduino\tools\ESP8266LittleFS\tool

2- download ESP Async TCP

3- download RFID-RC522 Library

4- download code for Arduino ide Code Arduino IDE Program code.

5 - open Arduino ide Nodemcu board manager 2.6.3 



6 - Download XAMPP server and Database file and website PHP pages  and run it

7- login network nodemcu 
NodeMCU default IP Address


wifi manager nodemcu

netwok manager wifi nodemcu

enter your network name (SSID) and password if you need RFID static IP address and your server URL after that  restart your nodemcu

Add New User

7- login into your server and open the status link 

RFID system

If you need to add a card select Add new staff 

to work Attendance must be selected 


Management users



RFID System




RFID System