Short description :
The KY-027 Magic Light Cup module is a set of two boards. Each one has a LED and a mercury tilt switch.
Working with (Compatible)
Arduino, ESP32, Nodemcu, ESP8266, Raspberry Pi, and ......
Example description :
The mercury switches in each module provide a digital signal that is used to regulate the brightness of the LEDs using PWM. Place the modules so the mercury switches on each other and are facing in the opposite directions. Tilting the modules will decrease the brightness on one module while increasing it on the other one, creating the illusion of light magically passing from one module to the other.
// Android and KY-027 module
int brightness = 255; // variable for LED brightness 0~255
void setup() {
pinMode(8, INPUT); // switch is connected to pin 8
pinMode(9, OUTPUT); // LED is connected to pin 9
void loop() {
if (digitalRead(8) == HIGH) {
if (brightness < 255) brightness++;
// increase brightness if mercury switch is On
else {
if (brightness > 0) brightness--;
// decrease brightness if mercury switch is Off (module tilted)
analogWrite(9, brightness); // set LED brightness